Monday, October 11, 2010

What the crap am I doing on here?

I'm not really sure what I'm doing on here... I guess writing a blog, I mean that's what the purpose of this site is, right? When I first sat down to write this thing I asked myself out loud... "What the crap am I doing on here?" But really what am I doing on here? I mean who really cares to read my thoughts? To see my point of view? To know what goes on in my head? My life? Is it really any of your business anyways? I guess what I'm saying is that this blog is for me more than it will be for those who read it, if anyone actually does read it that is. I think sometimes the best way to collect your thoughts is to get them out and write them down. So that's pretty much why I'm here. Doing this. Writing my thoughts. Sharing my mind. My life. Maybe I'll learn something about myself or maybe, if nothing else, I'll have the chance to express out loud those thoughts that I do know how else to express other wise.

Anyways I have to give props to my inspiration, one of my awesome roomies Drew. I guess he's been doing this blogging thing himself for a while. (you should defiantly check his out, he is great guy!) To my surprise I found out he wrote a blog specifically about me and after reading it and talking to him he inspired me start my own blog. So needless to say, here I am. Not sure what Ill write about, or how often I will... but i guess that's the fun in it! I don't expect this to be a really deep blog, though at times I'm sure it will be. Many times I just have funny thought... I love to laugh, I'm sure it will fuel this thing... so it may be my funny thoughts about life, God, love, girls, friends, etc. I think the openness of this blog idea is what excites me about doing it!! but for now I'm out.
